School Rosters

Below are the class rosters of Mrs. Minta Hoover. They are for classes taught from 1874 to 1889 in Little Rock, Arkansas. We salvaged these lists from a trash pile when we saw a 1930s phone directory on the top of the box they were in. I am assuming that the Arsenal School was on the grounds of the Arsenal. That area is now known as McArthur Park. The Union School was on 6th Street between Gaines and State. Both of these schools were for black students.

Sherman Street School

The Sherman Street School was on Seventh between Sherman and Ferry. The Scott Street School was located at 14th and Scott. The Forest Grove School was located on the north side of 5th between Rector Ave. and Collins.

Scott Street School

I have transcribed each roster and then provided a scan. Unfortunately some of the rosters are so old and faded that they didn't scan well.

Sherman School 1874
Union School 1876
Select School Sherman 1877
Arsenal School
Arsenal School 1880
Arsenal School 1881
Arsenal School 1882
Sherman School Fall 1882
Private School Spring 1883
Sherman School Fall 1883
Private School Summer 1884
Scott School 2nd Grade Fall 1884
Scott School Fall term 1884
Scott Promotion list 1884
Forest Grove First Term 1885
Forest Grove Second Term 1885
Forest Grove First Term 1886
Forest Grove Second Term 1886
Forest Grove Fall Term 1887
Forest Grove Fall Term 1888
Forest Grove Fall Term 1889
Unknown School around 1885